Saturday, November 24, 2007

sexuality and film

Thanks for your assignments and presentations on gender and film. This will be our last week to do presentations. So, if you have not posted a presentation, please do so this week.

If you have already done a presentation, here is this week's assignment. Remember to read the links carefully, so you have a good understanding of the concept. Then, be sure to adequately address the complex correspondence between concept and text. Remember to review the previous posts so that you are not repeating someone else's assignment (This has been a problem in past weeks.)




Will and Grace
Queer as Folk
The L Word
Angels in America
Breakfast on Pluto
Big Eden
But I'm a Cheerleader
Boy's Don't Cry
I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry
American Beauty

We will not be having a quiz this week. So, don't worry about emailing Jennifer. But assignments/presentations will be due (as always) by 11:59 pm on Friday, Nov 30th.

Also, remember that your final film analysis paper is due Friday, Dec 7th by 11:59pm. Check the Bb site, under "Assignments" for more information. I will be getting your Film Analysis 2 grades back to you this week, so you have some feedback as you write your next paper.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Zach S.

I chose to do my assignment this week on the movie "I Now Pronounce you Chuck and Larry" and the topic of homophobia. In the story two firefighters Chuck and Larry decide to become "domestic partner" (act gay) so their kids can receive their pension when they die. The only problem is, is that a fact-checking bureaucrat comes to check out their "marriage" to make sure that they truly are homosexual. They have problems pulling this act off because Chuck (Adam Sandler) is homophobic and has problems acting homosexual. He naturally wants females instead of males and thinks being homosexual is a bad idea. Personally I know a lot of people that are homophobic naturally. I think being homosexual is not a very bad thing it is a personal choice. But I won't get into that. Anyways in conclusion this movie is a prime portrayal of someone facing the fear of homosexuality and having a serious case of being homophobic.

jack said...

Carson Kressley

I chose to do my presentaion on a man named Carson Kressley. Carson was born on November 11, 1969 in PA. Carson is an open homosexual who is a leading figure in the gay rights movement. He was a member of the U.S. World Cup Saddle Seat team and is a very accomplished person. After that he graduated from Gettysburg College with a degree in management and fine art. Carson then became a very good stylist and had great jobs, such as one working for Ralph Lauren. Then he became a star on the hit tv show Queer Eye For the Straight Guy. He and four other men gave straight guys make overs and made them more "attractive" in the eyes of others. Both Carson and the show gave great inspiration and confidence to the homosexual community. He also has started his own clothing line and wrote a book entitled You're Different and That's Super, which inspires people who are "different" and teaches very good morals. Carson Tressley is a very influencial man who has accomplished many great things. He sets a great example and is very inspiring to the homosexual community. He also plays a huge role in the advancement and rights of homosexuals.

grebe said...

Ellen DeGeneres

Ellen DeGeneres was born in Louisiana on January 26, 1958. She attended the University of New Orleans, but left after one semester to work at a law firm, as a clerk. Ellen then got into stand-up comedy and really found her niche. In the 1980s, she was named the funniest person in America. She has also been an actress, hosted the 79th Academy Awards in 2007, and currently is the host of her own Emmy-Award-winning talk show. In 1997, Ellen came out publicly as a lesbian during her appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Soon after, her character Ellen Morgan on her hit tv sitcom also came out. The show did not last too much longer, but while it did, it explored the coming out process and dealt with other gay and lesbian issues, as well. The coming-out episode recieved high ratings and really it was one of the first sitcoms to have a gay main character. Ellen will be remembered as the first lesbian to star on her own network television series.
Ellen has had public relationships with actresses, such as Anne Heche and Portia De Rossi. Ellen's mom, Betty was surprised when Ellen came out, but since then has become her strongest supporter and an active member of PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays). Ellen has handled her sexuality status with class, and even has brushed off comments from a televangelist who called her "Ellen DeGenerate". Ellen has become a major symbol of the gay and lesbian community and is known as one of the msot vocal activists for gay and lesbian rights. Forbes has her net worth ranked somewhere around $65 million.

dustin said...

Melissa Etheridge

dustin said...

Melissa Etheridge was born on May 29th, 1961 in Leavenworth, Kansas. When I was growing up she was an interesting figure to me because I remember hearing that song "Come to my Window" and thinking thats the lady that likes girls and that was different to me at the time. Now I know that she is a champion of gay rights much like her friend on television Ellen DeGeneres. She came "out of the closet" in 1993 at Bill Clinton's triangle Ball celebrating his first presidential nomanation. She also started a family with her partner and they used sperm donors to allow her partner to have 2 children while she was out on the road with her music. They separated in 2001 after her partner started to reconsider her sexuality and this was devastating to Etheridge. She now has another partner that also has 2 children by sperm donors. Etheridge has always been an inspiration to those in fear of their sexuality and her courage will be revered for generations.

Prince Charming said...

I chose to do me assignment on John Amaechi, a former NBA player for the Utah Jazz. John Amaechi also wrote a book about being gay in the NBA, titled "Man in the Middle." He was the first man to openly announce that he was gay in the NBA. There has been very few athletes who have openly came out to the world. Being a lesbian or a gay man in today society is unexceptably. Gay's and Lesbians are looked as bad people or weird in the eyes of the media. Being a lesbian myself I know how it feels and how people treat you on a day-to-day basis. You have to deal with very harsh words, comments, and humor. You have a very select amount of friends. Along side that growing up as a teenager I was very limited to certain jobs because I was a lesbian. Being a Women's Basketball player here at FSU the media is no stranger. I am constantly reminded that I need to act and look a certain way because of my sexuality. I feel that world to should be excepting of gays and lesbian by now, but the are not.

Unknown said...

Ian McKellen

Ian McKellen is a huge name in the fight for gay rights and in acting. He has had a profound effect on traditional theater with his work on Shakespeare, one-man acts, and on Broadway. Born in England on May 25,1939 he was not a stranger to War as he witnessed the horror of WWII. He was raised in England by his mother and father who were both lay preachers, and sent to Bolton School where his acting career started at the Bolton Little Theatre. He then attended St. Catherine's College on scholarship where his life as a gay man began. His first break was in the role of King Edward II in Marlowe's Edward II and went on to play famous Shakespeare roles in the Royal Shakespeare Company, most notably King Lear and Richard III. He is also recently famous for his roles of Gandalf and Magneto in the blockbuster trilogies, Lord of the Rings and X-Men.

Ian McKellen publicly came out in 1988, but before that he was already into gay theater and supporting the gay social movement. He appeared in plays like Bent, about gay persecution in Nazi Germany. After coming out, McKellen immediately began fighting for Gay rights starting with the infamous Section 28 amendment and continuing with the founding of Stonewall, an LGBT rights lobbying group, and speaks at pride events all around the world.

WyndeeLeigh said...

For the assignment I chose the movie, "But I am A Cheerleader," and the subject homophobia. The movie is about a young high school cheerleader who is a tad bit "odd." Although she seems normal being a cheerleader and having the football boyfriend, which "she doesn't like kissing", some of her habits lead her parents to believe that she might be a lesbian, so they send her to a school/camp to become straight. Homophobia can be defined as the hatred, hostility or disapproval of homosexuals. It's not that they believe that heterosexuals are better (heterosexism)but that parents disapprove of this behavior enough to send her to this camp. The movie portrays a young girl, who is may be homosexual, in which the disapproval of that lifestyle causes her parents to send her away.

Unknown said...

I will be talking about the topic of homosexuality and the show "The L Word." This show is about a group of women who are both lesbians and bisexuals. Most of the women are lesbians. This dramatic show features many issues that lesbian couples face such as artificial pregnancy, social problems, and everyday female issues. This show has stirred up some controversy because of its explicit and liberal scenes of homosexuality, but at the same time it has opened people's eyes to something they might have not known. Homosexuality means that a person is attracted to the same sex both physically and sexually. It is very apparent in this show because it shows a couple who is trying to get pregnant using artificial insemination. This show also covers many other topics like bisexuality and the process of changing genders. The show also refers to "the chart" which shows the circle or web of affairs that has gone on and has greatly influenced the course of the show. It is mostly centered around Pam Grier's character, Kit Porter. The fact that this show is mainly about lesbians shows that the gay community is more openly accepted in this world. Television and films always try to push the limits and put controversial topics out in the public. This show definitely shows an accurate portrayal of the lives of homosexual women.

Brian Bauerband said...

My assignment is on the film 'Transamerica' and transsexuality.
Transsexuality is the condition in which a person of one gender identifies to the gender opposite of their birth gender. Transamerica is about a male at birth transsexual about to undergo a vaginoplasty to fully become a woman. She discovers that she had a son with a past girlfriend and has to go bail her son out before she can be cleared to go through with her gender reassignment procedure. The film addresses the continuing taboo in American culture regarding transsexualism.Through the main character Bree, we see difficult it is for transsexuals to integrate their lifestyles into mainstream society as well as the psychological change for the transsexual his/herself. Bree has to explain to her son at the end of the film that she is in fact his father. At the same time she has to recognize her past as a male so she can move on to her new life as a woman.

Kelly said...
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Kelly said...

Elton John

Reginald Kenneth Dwight was born on March 25, 1947, in Middlesex, UK. He began playing piano at the young age of four. The Royal Academy of Music gave him a scholarship at age eleven. Even though he was extremely talented, he struggled to make the charts. He later changed his name to Elton Hercules John. Soon after that he became the most successfu pop artist of the 1970s. In 1976, he publically announced he was bisexual. Then, in 1984, he married Renate Blauel. Their marriage lasted four years until he discovered that he is not bisexual, but homosexual. In 1992, he founded the Elton John AIDS Foundation ecause he was angered by the little amount of attention that AIDS was given. His mission was to educate and prevent HIV/AIDS. Another project he works on his Lunch Around the World. The project has millions of Elton John fans, from around the world, sit down for lunch with some of their friends near his birthday. All of the profits go to the Elton John AIDS Foundation. In December of 2005, Elton Jonh got a civil partnership with his long time partner, David Furnish. The Civil Partnership Act allows British gay couples to marry. The Act was put into place December 5, 2005. Elton John and David Furnish were one of the first gay couples to be married in Britain. This was a big step for gay rights, and he helped in a huge way. Elton John truly is a diva.

Colleen said...

The NBC sitcom "Will and Grace" incorporates homosexuality in its main characters' lives. Will and Grace had dated in the past, before Will came out as gay. Over the years their friendship had flourished and the show takes place mostly in the apartment they share. Will's best friend Jack, also a homosexual man, is the stereotypical gay man, bringing in most of the humor to the show.

Although the show does sometimes touch on serious issues that homosexual men and women face throughout their lives, it mostly takes a comedic spin on this issue. Although homosexuality has been a feature of human culture since very early history, Will and Grace was one of the first shows that brought both comedy and acceptance to the issue of gay and lesbian relationships. Also it is one of the first sitcoms to have a successful, gay, lawyer as one of its main characters, counteracting many stereotypes placed on the jobs and lives homosexuals lead, further proving that they have the right to lead normal and happy lives, whether or not their lifestyle is accepted by all of society.

Toney Douglas said...

Check this out

Best known for her famous Talk show The Rosie O’Donnell Show, Rosie O’Donnell has a long career of being an actor, comedian, author and civil rights activists among other things. In her early years she was an actor and a comedian. She then became famous when she was featured in her own talk show. Here is where her fame reached another level. She has since then been an author of a New York Times best seller Find Me and other books. She also founded a charity called For All Kids which is geared toward creating national standards for day care. She has managed to raise millions of dollars for this cause. She has donated thousands to other charities and organizations as well.
Rosie is known for her bravery and standing up for the equality of rights for everyone Coming out as a lesbian in 2002, she is a noted civil rights activist for the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT). As a profound leader for the LGBT), she has fought for the equality of gays and lesbians for years now. In 2004 she married Kelli Carpenter in San Francisco where they were granted a same sex marriage license .They also have children through sperm donations and adoptions. In 2007 Rosie was in attendance the true colors tour which raises money for the human Rights Campaign and supports the LGBT. According to her, she has and always will be a supporter of gay marriages and the equality of others.

Unknown said...

American Beauty Homophobia

Much of the conflict that arises in American Beauty stems from issues of homophobia. Colonel Frank Fitts, is openly homophobic. He believes his son of being a homosexual. This produces a deep strain on the marriage to his wife, and the relationship to his son. While homophobia does not only mean fear of homosexuals, but also “hatred and hostility towards them” (wikipedia), this movie shows the various forms in which the hostility of homophobia can manifest. Fitt's wife becomes an obsessive cleaner who, simply sits in a chair during her spare time. Her son Ricky Fitts is harassed to the point of being kicked out of the house by his father. Because we as viewers know Ricky's true sexuality, we tend to sympathize and understand the destructive forces to which he is being subjected. One could even speculate that the extensive video taping of ordinary events by Ricky is a way to reconcile this hostility. Ricky searches for the beauty in everything and anything, perhaps countering the attempts of his father to shape his psyche. American Beauty is largely a movie about overcoming the repressive constructs of American society. From the suburbs, to the office, to the fast food lane, what we see is a nation in crisis with coming to terms with issues such as sexuality.

Ben Mekler said...

Neil Jordan's Breakfast on Pluto is a study on the life of a transvestite in the 1960s and 70s. Transvestites fall under the category of transgender, described as peoples who do not associate themselves with the gender they were assigned at birth. A transvestite is someone who dresses as the opposite sex.
In Breakfast in Pluto, Patrick "Kitten" Braden grows up in a small Irish town, but moves on to London where he lives as a transvestite cabaret singer who dresses, behaves, and sees himself as a woman. Kitten would be considered a "transwoman", a man who acts and sees himself as a woman.

pcallihan said...

My presentation is on Lance Bass

Lance Bass was born in Laurel, Mississippi on May 4, 1979 to James and Diane Bass. He was raised in nearby Ellisville, Mississippi in a strict Southern Baptist family. Once he turned 10 Lance's family moved to Clinton, Mississippi where he began becoming active in vocal groups. He joined the Mississippi Show Stoppers, as well as the Attaché Show Choir at his school, and another seven man singing group called Seven Card Stud. All of these groups performed across the state and across the nation in competitions. All throughout high school Lance says he was very popular with the women at his school and was sexually active at that point with them. It was not until 1995 when he joined N'Sync however that he truly became famous, and then started to experiment sexually. He shared his first true homosexual relationship with a man he met in Orlando and only refers to as Scott. After coming out Bass got much support and positive reactions from the general public, especially the gay community. In 2006 Bass along with his then-boyfriend Reichen Lehmkuhl were awarded the Human Rights Campaign Visibility Award, and began to speak out on the behalf of gay people. Since then Bass has donated to numerous charities on behalf of those less fortunate and has even appeared on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition to give a check to an old Russian woman with Cerebral Palsy.


Craig said...


Jodie Foster was born on November 19, 1962 in Los Angeles, CA. Jodie started her acting career at the age of three when she appeared in a coppertone advertisement. She made more commercials until she gave her debut as an actress in 1968 in the TV series "Mayberry R.F.D". In 1975 Jodie was offered the role of the prostitute Iris in the movie "Taxi Driver". She recieved an Academy Award nomination for best supporting actress which marcked a breakthrough in her career. In 1980 she graduated top of her class from The College Lycee Francais and then began to study English Literature at Yale University. She graduated from Yale University magna cum laude in 1985. Jodie is an American icon and a wonderful actress. I chose Jodie Foster for a slightly different reason than my classmates chose thier figures. I chose Jodie not only because she is a lesbian and a strong supporter of the gay movement, but because she believes in personal freedom and our rights as US citizens. For the last six or seven years the media and tabloids have slandered and pressured her into announcing her sexuality to the public, but she has stood strong. Jodie has sent a message to homosexuals everywhere stating, that it is not only your right to be sexually attracted to men or women, but that it is also your right to keep personal information personal. This is a strong contibution to the gay community.

Duane said...

For this weeks assignment I decided to talk about Will & Grace and heterosexism. The show follows the lives of Will Truman, who is a gay lawyer, and Grace Adler, a decorator. Heterosexism is described as the superiority of heterosexuals over homosexuals. In multiple episodes this is seen in the tribulations of Will. Because Will is a fairly high ranked Lawyer, for many years he hides the fact that he is a gay in order to make it through his business. By doing so, he alludes to the fact that he is gay from his colleagues and close friends because he is afraid of heterosexism. Although this is a show depicting the lives of gay’s it also show the underside of homosexuality in America. Often times the minority is viewed as subordinates to the population’s majority.

insamiety said...

Madonna Louise Ciccone was born on August 16, 1958, the third of six children, to a middle class family in Bay City, Michigan. Her father was an engineer for Chrysler of Italian descent. SHe took ballet classes as a child and after completing her sophomore year the the University of Michigan she was convincedby her dance teacher to move to New York to pusue a dance career. In 1977 she moved to New York with $35 dollars to her name and lived in squalor working minimun wage jobs till she managed to start a band with her boyfreind at the time. Soon afterwards she started a new band focusing on dance songs which recieved attention from local DJs. This eventually led to her first record deal and her eventual rise to fame.
Eventhough she is widely known for her musical talents and #1 hits she is also widely knows as one of the most recognizable sex icons in teh world. She was a fashion trend-setter for the majority of the 1980's and 1990's. It was not until her second album, which included the #1 single "Like a Virgin," that she bacme the sex icon that she is now. Being born into a Catholic family she frequently adorned Catholic jewlery, but eventually her sexual nature was denounced byt he Church, at which point she denounced her belief in Cathilicism.

Duane said...

Annie Proulx

For my presentation I decided to write about the author Edna Annie Proulx. She was born on August 22, 1935 in Norwich, Connecticut. Proulx attended the University of Vermont after taking a few years off and later returning in the late 1960’s. She later continued to get her Masters degree from Concordia University. Proulx began her career as a journalist, writing science fiction stories in If and Gray’s Sporting Journal. Today she is best known for first writing the short story of Brokeback Mountain which was later converted into a movie. A few of her publications were also included in The Best American Short Stories. Proulx brought the portrayal of homosexuality to the silverscreen by helping convey the acceptance of gay’s in society. Brokeback Mountain was one of the first short stories that depicted the lives of two gay men. Proulx helped show the world was not dominated by heterosexism and how homosexuals can also have true love.

mjm06k said...

Lyfe Jennings, an Ohio native who started off down the wrong path, is now known for his honest and positive music. He got his musical talent from singing in church choirs, and was in a band named the Dotsons. His time in prison made him think about his life and where he was going. This along with inspiration from Erykah Badu’s cd Baduizm, made Lyfe’s music so meaningful. One of his most famous songs to date is called S.E.X. which deals with a young girl who grows up and is about to lose her virginity. In the beginning of the song, Lyfe says “Now see most cats, would take advantage of you right now, but I aint gone do that, Imma give you the game right, Imma give it to you because I would want somebody to give my little girl the game when she done found her S.E.X." This is the way we should treat women, and Lyfe is saying that we should treat women as we would want our own daughter to be treated. This song is one of the few songs on the radio these days with a positive message. Along with the positive messages in his songs, Lyfe is currently in many commercials sponsored by BET that encourage using condoms and getting tested for HIV.

andrew fox said...

The well-known Elton John was born on March 25, 1947. John has had one of the longest, most successful careers in the music industry. Even though homosexuality was not a widely accepted lifestyle during the time of John's introduction, he continually earns the love and dedication of millions of fans. Presently, Elton John is considered to be the largest music symbol of the seventies. A short list of John's accomplishments include a total of five Grammys, an Academy Award, and in 1998 he was knighted, Sir Elton, by the Queen of England.
John's love for music was born when he was only three years old when he learned how to play the piano. Elton's charming personality and his ability to produce elegant rock and roll are what began his incredible impact on the music industry for the past forty years. His brilliant and unique style of fashion drew his audience to grow, love, and respect him as an artist. Not only is he loved for his vibrant fashion, but also his flamboyant lifestyle. His exposure and success is an inspiration to the homosexual community. One of the honorable characteristics about Elton John is his decision to use his power from fame and wealth to fund charities in need. The Princess Diana Memorial Fund is one that was extremely influenced by John's charity. Because both hetero and homosexual audiences respect Elton John, he was able to raise 30 million dollars from his rewritten version of "Candle In the Wind." Another passion of his is the prevention of AIDS and HIV. In order to accomplish this goal, he established the Elton John AIDS Foundation to assist in educational services about AIDS awareness.
His accomplishments and charitable efforts are extremely influential to the homosexual community. Elton John is not only a phenomenal music artist and leader. He is an inspiration to anyone who is struggling with his or her sexual identity.